
Training plans and the difficulty of starting something new

Cover Image for Training plans and the difficulty of starting something new
Coach Bill
Coach Bill


  • mō-mĕn′təm
  • noun
  • A quantity used to measure the motion of a body, equal to the product of the body's mass and its velocity
  • The force or energy exhibited by a moving body.
  • The driving force or advancing strength of a development or course of events.

I presume for many, it's easy to envision an idealized future. In the context of this blog, I can vaguely see how it will evolve over time. There will be ample content, ways to filter among various categories, probably a snazzy looking UI and maybe even a little hamburger menu to help you navigate around. It feels safe to say that the background won't be in plain white and the image sizes will be reduced for speedy load times. These are all very acheivable features, but they require one thing above all else - time.

I've gotten ACIDheads off the ground in a very early state. I can see it - the whole community and everything. Folks showing up to various weekly/bi-weekly events, hand tie dyed swag, a small team of trainers and nutritionists on deck to assist members; a real grassroots community. In all this daydreaming, there remains the very real constraint which is my time. What is it that influences my time allocation? Momentum immediately comes to mind.

A manager of mine regularly liked to say "where your focus goes, your focus flows"... or something to that affect. As I reflect on these grandious ideas, it's not the time allocation that I struggle with, it's getting the necessary momentum to actively think of allocating time in the first place. When I wrapped my RRCA coaching certification a few weeks back , I had little idea how this "thing" would manifest. I still don't really, despite the outline above. It'll grow over time and that's all well and good, but the rate of growth is so variable.

Step by step, the Athletic Collective for Interdisciplinary Dorks will become some sort of reality. I've been fortunate to have a close friend excitedly request my services almost immediately after learning of my certificaiton. Without her incredible drive and curiosity around the sport, I wouldn't have built out the base materials I have thus far. Momentum. The vague accountability of her needing to know in advance what her next run will look like has kept me on top of creating training templates. Anticipating training to come, I feel inspired to read books about running theory. Conversations with folks about this hobby and their general interest is pushing me to develop the site quicker so I have a more impressive product to show off. All of these things help drive momentum.

It's really hard starting something new, but it's also fun! Thanks for stopping by and reading my musings. Till next time 😎